How to Disabling MySQL Strict Mode on CPanel server

How to Disabling MySQL Strict Mode properly in MySQL / MariaDB Configuration on a cPanel server. let’s get started To determine the current global sql_mode value, execute the following command [root@secure admin]# mysql -e ‘select @@GLOBAL.sql_mode;’ +——————————————————————————————-+ | @@GLOBAL.sql_mode | +——————————————————————————————-+ | STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION | +——————————————————————————————-+ Open the MySQL configuration file For cPanel servers, the location … Read more

ImageMagick installation on cPanel server

Let see how to install ImageMagick on CentOS 7 Cpanel server easily. 1st you have to remove “popen” from disable_functions in php.ini, otherwise, you will get this error remove “popen” from disable_functions let’s get started with imagick You can use WHM to do the installation with the following steps: 1. Login to WHM as the … Read more

How to install LiteSpeed webserver on CPanel

Now you can install LiteSpeed webserver on cPanel automatically let’s get started with LiteSpeed webserver Prepareing for the Installation 1st make sure that mod_ruid2 is disabled in your WHM -> EasyApache 4 – mod_ruid2 mod_ruid2 0.9.8-18.18.23.cpanel = disabled it should look like this: Please make sure to open TCP 80,443,7080 and UDP 443 are open … Read more

How to Enable Comodo ModSecurity Apache Rule Set in WHM/cPanel

Comodo ModSecurity rules for CPanel server, support both Apache and LiteSpeed web servers, easy to install, and managed from the Cpanel ModSecurity Vendors option. These rules do not make your server impervious to attacks, they greatly increase the amount of protection for web applications. It acts as baseline protection for common web application attack let’s … Read more