Global DNS LookUp

DNS propagation is the process of checking domain information to make sure that all computers in the world have an updated DNS record. It’s a crucial step for making sure that users can find your website. The fastest way to test if your website is accessible is by performing a DNS lookup. It will only take a few seconds and will give you an accurate answer.

[{"name":"Bavaria, Germany","long":"11.4979","lat":"48.7904","country":"DE","result":""},{"name":"California, United States","long":"119.4179","lat":"36.7783","country":"US","result":""},{"name":"Delhi, India","long":"77.1025","lat":"28.7041","country":"IN","result":""},{"name":"Somerton Park, Australia","long":"138.5215","lat":"34.9971","country":"AU","result":""},{"name":"S\u00e3o Paulo, Brazil","long":"46.6396","lat":"23.5558","country":"BR","result":""}]

  • de Bavaria, Germany
  • us California, United States
  • in Delhi, India
  • au Somerton Park, Australia
  • br São Paulo, Brazil