How to install LiteSpeed webserver on CPanel

Now you can install LiteSpeed webserver on cPanel automatically

let’s get started with LiteSpeed webserver

Prepareing for the Installation

1st make sure that mod_ruid2 is disabled in your WHM -> EasyApache 4 – mod_ruid2

mod_ruid2 0.9.8-18.18.23.cpanel = disabled

it should look like this:

EasyApache 4 - mod_ruid2
EasyApache 4 – mod_ruid2

Please make sure to open TCP 80,443,7080 and UDP 443 are open in Firewall


Log in to your SSH server and execute the following command.

[root@server ~]# bash <( curl ) your_serial_no

Could not find an lsws.options file. We will ask you for your preferred settings instead, but for automated bulk provisioning, you may want to exit and create an lsws.options file. Continue Installer(Y/N) Y
Press Y and Enter to proceed.

Install LiteSpeed step 1

Enable PHP_SUEXEC. Run PHP processes as the account owner. Available values: 0 (off), 1 (on), and 2 (user home directory only). Default value is 2: 2
Press 2 and Enter to proceed.

Apache port offset. Run LiteSpeed in parallel with Apache. For example, if set to 1000, Apache will listen on port 80, and LiteSpeed on 1080. If set to 0, Apache and LiteSpeedwill use the same port, and LiteSpeed will not automatically start after installation. Default value is 1000: 80
Press 80 and Enter to proceed.

Admin username. For accessing LiteSpeed WebAdmin console. Default value is admin: admin
Press admin and Enter to proceed.

Admin email address. Receive important server notices, such as license expiration and server core dumps. Default value is root@localhost: [email protected]
Press [email protected] and Enter to proceed.

EasyApache integration. Automatically rebuild matching PHP for LiteSpeed under EasyApache 3. Does nothing under EasyApache 4. Available values are 1 (enable) and 0 (disable). Default value is 1: 1
Press 1 and Enter to proceed.

Switch to LiteSpeed Web Server. Automatically switches at the end of the installation if the port offset is set to 0. Available values are 1 (enable) and 0 (disable). Default value is 0: 0
Press 0 and Enter to proceed.

Deploy LSCWP Automatically. Scans for WordPress Websites on server and installs LSCache Plugin on them, Automatically sets up Cache Root. Available values are 1 (enable) and 0(disable). Default value is 0: 1
Press 1 and Enter to proceed.

mass_enable complete!

Install finished! Your randomly generated admin password for the LiteSpeed WebAdmin interface on port 7080 is xxxxxxxx
Please make sure to save this password.
[root@server ~]#

Once you have done the installation, LiteSpeed Web Server Plugin should look like this:

LiteSpeed Web Server Plugin
LiteSpeed Web Server Plugin

After Installation is done Switch to LiteSpeed and Verify it is Running

Switch to LiteSpeed
Switch to LiteSpeed

Switch to LiteSpeed

How to change the LiteSpeed WebAdmin Console Password?
execute the following command.

cd /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc

you can access LiteSpeed WebAdmin Console by https://yourserverhostname:7080

LiteSpeed WebAdmin Console
LiteSpeed WebAdmin Console

With this, we finish the LiteSpeed Web Server installation on the cPanel/WHM Based Server.

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