How to install Acronis Plugin on cPanel Server

This guide will help you to install Acronis Cyber backup plugin on cPanel Server an Existing Linux / CentOS 7 / Cloudlinux Server

let’s get started

1/ Execute the following command to install the Acronis plugin

root@ds77 [~]# sh <(curl -L || wget -O -

2/ Open firewall port : 445,902,5905,6109,7770:7800,8443,25001,44445,55556 and use credentials given by Acronis serive provider

3/ Installing the backup agent Log in to WHM UI > Click Plugins > Acronis Backup

Acronis Backup WHM

Completing the installation may take several minutes. You can leave the page open during this process.

acronis whm backup

That’s it! You’ve just install Acronis Cyber backup to your cPanel server

To uninstall the Acronis Backup plugin for WHM and cPanel, Execute the following command

root@ds77 [~]# yum remove acronis-backup-cpanel
root@ds77 [~]# /usr/lib/Acronis/BackupAndRecovery/uninstall/uninstall

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